Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Closing the 80th Season!

Sections paddled in on August 7th to a beach full of cheering family and friends. Nothing can quite capture the feeling of being on the beach watching the progression from youngest to oldest campers paddling into sight, racing towards the beach, and trying to unload canoes in between camera clicks, handshakes, and hugs.  We have put a glimpse of the day up on our Picasa album, so please check out the link to the right.

Additionally, many other great shots were taken this summer and we are trying to find the best way to gather and share those photos. As a start, here is a link to Sarah's public dropbox folder and you can create a folder of images and drag the entire folder into her Wabun Photos folder. She will check regularly to make sure space is available.

We also had some technical difficulty with the camp photo this year and are hoping others snapped a photo of the group as well. Even if yours needs editing, please email it to sarah@wabun.com.

As for now, the canoes are safely tucked away in the dining room for the winter. The porch chairs are stacked inside the lodge, the outfitting shelves are empty, and the camp is strangely quiet.

Although many of us are begrudgingly turning our attentions to the start of the school year, please find ways to reflect back on you journeys this summer, the friendships you made, and the fun you had. Stay in touch and continue to look for frequent updates on the blog and Facebook!

Wabun, Wabun, Wabun, Yeah Wabun! 80, 80, 80 Yeah!

Thanks for an AWESOME 80th Season!

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