Thursday, July 19, 2012

Mid-Season at Wabun!

It is hard to believe that it is already mid-season at Wabun. The Crees recently departed for their third trip which will take them through the beautiful Aston-Turner-Animanipissing Loop.  They were also fortunate to be able to attend the traditional Bear Island Pow Wow on their first day of that trip and enjoy drumming, dancing, and delicious snacks.  The Mattawas departed this morning for a twenty-day adventure up to Wabun Lake, over to Ishpatina Ridge, and then back down the Sturgeon River.  The Algonquins are currently packing wannigans for their nineteen-day adventure to Wolf Lake, up to Kettle Falls, and across the spectacular country of the numbered lakes.  The Chippies and Wawatays have spent the day learning to set up tents, paddle, and tump their gear with additional time for ping-pong, tetherball and swimming.  Tonight we will have our annual mid-season campfire and then all three groups paddle out tomorrow morning.  We have posted recent photos on our Picasa page which can be accessed through the link on the right of this page.

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